Monthly Archives: March 2021


Beachbody ResultsI have been using Beachbody on Demand nearly every single day since its launch in March of 2015.  I have been able to stream the workouts on my Roku devices, my phone, my laptop, and I have even been able to download the workouts to take with me on vacations when I knew I was going to be out of cell service. One of my favorite things about Beachbody on Demand is that I don’t have to step foot in a gym. I can do these workouts from the comfort of my own home. I also love that you don’t have to own tons of equipment to get started. Beachbody on Demand makes it possible for members to have access to all of their workouts as a subscription, and in one place, as opposed to how it was before, having to purchase every program separately on DVDs. The application is extremely easy to use and I love the variety and ability to choose from any workout I want, all with just the push of a button! It has helped me stay excited about working out every day because I always have a new challenge ahead of me. A little further down the page you’ll see I made a video that give a tour of the app to show you all the features of the program. Beachbody offers a 14 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand so you can see for yourself just how amazing of a platform it is! Click the link above to give it a try! (to get the free trial, click the 3 month option when selecting checkout options, See bottom of this page to look at package deals that offer huge savings as you bundle everything you need to succeed in your health and fitness journey.)

What is Beachbody on Demand?

You may have heard Beachbody on Demand referred to as the “Netflix of fitness,” which actually fits pretty nicely! Beachbody on Demand is the platform that Beachbody houses all of their fitness and nutrition programs. You can find all different styles of workouts on there. You can find cardio, weight training, pilates, yoga, dance, boxing, MMA, HIIT style, running, prenatal and postnatal, kiddo focused and even meditation! There is seriously something for everyone! It’s incredible! To give you a chance to see just how awesome this service is, I made a video to give you a tour of the App on my phone.

Video Tour of the Beachbody On Demand App:


Below is a video put out by Beachbody that touches more on the other platforms you can use with Beachbody On Demand.

To get the free trial, choose the 3 month option at checkout.  When you fall in love with the service, keep it for as little as $8.25/month! (annual pricing)

Set Yourself up for SUCCESS with a Challenge Pack

For an even BETTER deal, check out Beachbody’s Challenge Pack. The Challenge Pack is Beachbody’s way of bundling everything into one option, saving you tons of money. It gives you everything you need to be successful in your health and fitness journey. Fitness combined with nutrition, plus support and accountability is the recipe to get you results! It has worked for me and I know it can work for you, you just have to do the work.

With the challenge pack, you will receive: Shakeology, Annual Beachbody on Demand Membership, Ultimate Portion Fix & 2B Mindset, first 30 days of Nutrition+, Shakeology Shaker Cup and Quick Start Nutrition Guide. Click the links to see more about my experience with each of these products. I can tell you, they work! I have been using them consistently for over 6 years! One thing that is great with going the challenge pack route, is that you get the full year of Beachbody on Demand for only $30! Plus you get started with improving your nutrition with Shakeology, which I have used every day for over 6 years and I still love it!

What’s in a Challenge Pack?


What is 21 Day Fix?

Hey there! If you’re lookin’ for a quick, fun, simple but challenging workout, 21 Day Fix is for you! This workout program is only 30 minutes per workout and 7 days a week for 21 days. These quick workouts allow you to get in, get out, and move on with the rest of your day, if you’re an early bird like me! This program is definitely one of my favorites and holds a special place in my heart. The reason being is that this is the program I did over and over and over again and lost my baby weight after having my first child! This program definitely works!  Which is why this one easily ranks on my favorite workout programs list.


What equipment do I need for 21 Day Fix?

For these workouts you will need a light and a medium set of dumbbells. I used 5’s and 10’s and to this day I still wish I had a pair of 8’s haha. Do with that what you will. If you don’t have any already, try (these). An alternative to dumbbell weights is B-Lines resistance bands, but I personally prefer using dumbbells for these workouts. Also, if you are doing the workouts on a hard surface, a mat would be helpful. I use (puzzle floor mats on my hard vinyl plank flooring).

Is 21 Day Fix a workout for Beginners? The reason I loooove this program so much is that it is perfect for beginners- but is amazing for any fitness level. I kind of like to think of it as a foundational workout program. You get a taste of a nice variety of types of workouts in this program (cardio, weight training, pilates and yoga). The intensity is at a good range to allow challenge, but it won’t kill you, haha. There is also always a modified move option. Meaning, there is a dedicated member of the cast who will always be doing a lower impact move, which is so nice as you move through this program.

Portion Fix Nutrition Plan

A component to this program that I feel makes it unique and very effective is it has a nutrition program specifically created for these workouts (and later figured to fit any fitness program). This nutrition program teaches portion control. My favorite part about it is not having to cut out any food groups. I learned portion sizes and what foods to eat that will refuel my body properly. This nutrition program was TRULY the missing piece to my puzzle of weight loss and feeling healthy and happy. I talk more in depth on this nutrition program HERE if you would like to learn more about how it works and how it can totally work for YOU.

What is the difference between 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme?

My Results

As I mentioned earlier, this is the program that I really used as a catalyst for my postpartum fitness journey. I had my daughter 6 months prior to starting this program and I repeated this program (along with 21 Day Fix Extreme) several times and lost my 60 lbs of baby weight and really felt like ME again.

I definitely recommend this program! If you would like to try this workout along with anything else in the Beachbody on Demand library, you can try a 14 day free trial of it here! I recommend checking it out! It could totally be what you’re looking for!


What are my options for purchasing?

If after you’ve tried your 14 day trial, or the sample workout and you’re thinking you now want to put some skin in the game and really challenge yourself and reach your health goals, here are some great options to do just that!

If you’re like ok, I am ready to go all in and I want all the things to set myself up for success, then this package deal would be the way to go. You would get a 12 month subscription to Beachbody on Demand, the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme program materials, access to our TWO incredible nutrition programs, a 30 day supply of Shakeology, a science-backed superfood nutrition shake, and the performance stack which is 1 tub of Energize, a preworkout supplement as well as Recover, a post workout supplement. (You can click on each product to read more about each one in more depth)

OR a pre workout supplement called Energize and a post workout supplement called Recover. Unless you want Shakeology AND Energize & Recover with this package.. Then that link is HERE

*Results vary based on starting point, effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan



The second this program was released was the second I decided I was going to do it, and I was going to go ALL IN 100%. That meant I would be doing 80 days of workouts, and following the timed nutrition program to a T! This proved to be a challenge BUT that is exactly what made my experience SO INCREDIBLE. I had reallllllly tough days, and also days that were fantastic. It was definitely a journey. With this program I lost 18 lbs and 19” from all around my body! I also gained more confidence, a huge sense of accomplishment, muscle tone and a whole lotta mental and physical strength. This program taught me a lot. I know without a doubt, that if I hadn’t implemented and learned the nutrition program, my results wouldn’t have been as great as they were with it. You can try this program for free for 14 days with the free trial of beachbody on demand.

What is 80 Day Obsession?

80 Day Obsession is a workout program filmed and released by Beachbody. It is a program created by fitness professional, Autumn Calabrese. This program is 80 Days in length (about 13 weeks because Sundays aren’t counted into the 80 days). The workouts are 30-60 mins long depending on which one it is. Throughout this program you’ll experience strength training, body-weight training, cardio, recovery and mobility. This program also has a huge emphasis on the nutrition plan. It is suggested to do timed nutrition with these workouts- and let me tell ya, from personal experience it is 1000% worth it to take the time to plan and prep and carry out this nutrition plan. It was everything in my journey and I saw incredible results, which I’ll show you later in this review. If you can nail your nutrition, your journey will be that much more rewarding and successful. I go into more detail on this nutrition plan in THIS post. Check it out if you wanna know more about it!

What equipment is needed for 80 Day Obsession?

To set yourself up for success in this program, there are some things that you will need. You will need a good range of light, medium and heavy dumbbell weights, strength slides, and resistance loops (*NOTE- resistance loops are different from resistance bands. View photo below) . And of course, you’ll need your subscription to Beachbody On Demand to access the workout videos. If you’re also following the nutrition plan, which I HIGHLY recommend, you’ll also need the color coded portion control containers. Inside of Beachbody On Demand you’ll have access to the timed nutrition eating plan, food lists, workout calendar and tracker sheets.

PICTURE showing equipment

Is 80 Day Obsession right for me?

This program is written for an intermediate fitness level, however, there is always a modified move option. Which means that there is a dedicated member of the cast (her name is Carrie and she’s awesome!) who is the “modifier” and will always be performing a lower impact move for those who need that. I definitely took advantage of the lower impact moves at times- WHEW!!

Fun Perks

There are some things in this program that I personally loved that I thought I’d share with you here in my review. Firstly, all 80 workouts are unique. This was filmed live for all 80 days, so there are no repeats. I really love that! This program also doesn’t have music in the background like others that I’ve done- I like it because you get to hear the cast talking with each other and the banter back and forth has had me belly laughing on multiple occasions. 13 weeks is a long time so I feel like I got to know them because I was right there with them every morning doing the same workout- experiencing the same soreness, victories etc! I really enjoyed that!

Look, you can try it out for yourself and see if it’s something you can vibe with! Here’s a 14 Day Free Trial of Beachbody On Demand where you can try this program as well as ANY other program on the Beachbody On Demand platform! It’s free! Just go check it out!

*Results vary based on starting point, effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan


What is Ultimate Portion Fix?

Ultimate Portion Fix is the expansion of one of the most successful weight-loss programs at Beachbody. The ultimate Portion fix is for those who are seeking to have control over food instead of food controlling them with a structured, well-balanced and perfectly portioned program without cutting out food groups or starvation, and without taking the fun out of eating. In this 30-day video-based program, Super Trainer and nutrition expert Autumn Calabrese shows you how to create satisfying meals, swap out processed foods wor wholesome ingredients, and break your sugar addiction

The program includes over 300 recipes, comprehensive food lists, and ways that the whole family can get involved in making healthier food decisions. There is even a PDF of 75 healthy lunch ideas for kids!

What makes Ultimate Portion Fix unique and better than the original Portion Fix?

Autumn has applied 5 years of proven success to give you more tools, strategies, tips and hacks that can make it simpler than ever to lose weight. With over 30 new videos and tools like a workbook and daily log book you’ll learn strategies to help you overcome your sugar addiction, fuel your body for performance and incorporate your whole family- even kids- into the program.

Pick your Path

Within this program you’ll learn about 3 different paths you can take. The first one and my personal favorite one is Timed-Nutrition. Based on which calorie bracket you are in (which is determined by a simple calculation) the plan will tell you exactly which color coded containers to eat together and at what time. This path also centers around your workout time so that you are fueling for your workout and refueling it after your workout properly. The rest of your meals are spaced 2-3 hours apart. I personally thrive with a regimented plan such as this one. It took some getting used to, however it was absolutely worth it.

The next path is called Foundational Fix. With this plan you will still be eating the same amount of food based on your calorie brackets container counts, however, instead of eating the predetermined container pairings at specified times, you can choose whenever you eat them. You can pair them however you want to- just as long at the end of the day you got all your containers in. This is my go-to path when I don’t have time to fully plan my meals the week before.

The last one is Carb- Cycling. I need to start by saying that this plan is ONLY meant to be used SHORT TERM. So it’s more of a short diet. It is used for a very specific purpose or time period (like a vacation, competition or event) and then you go back to one of the other 2 paths. You follow this plan for 3 weeks, then return to either timed nutrition or foundational fix for at least 3 months before repeating Carb- Cycling (if you choose to). The more often you do carb cycling the less effective it becomes. During Carb-Cycling you are dropping water weight. When you are on this plan you switch between having normal foundational fix days where you get all your containers, and the carb cycling days which is when you have significantly less carbs, and no fruit, healthy fats or nuts and seeds. However, your protein intake does go up. This plan isn’t sustainable for long term use- I need to stress that! It is effective though, when used properly.


My Results

When this expanded Ultimate Portion Fix program was released I knew it would be a game changer. My experience is that when I am on track with this nutrition plan (timed nutrition as well as the foundational fix path) I look and FEEL so much better. This nutrition plan is really good for me, personally. My body responds well to it. Ultimate Portion Fix in addition to a workout program is when I’ve seen my best physical results. I really like that I can access all of the videos on an app on my phone so I can revisit certain topics when I need a refresher.


How Can I purchase Ultimate Portion Fix?

Most of the time people pair this nutrition program with a workout program, however if you JUST want this nutrition program to get started here is the link to do that

**share a cart?

*Results vary based on starting point, effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan


What is 2B Mindset

2B Mindset is one of Beachbody’s amazing nutrition programs designed to help people who struggle with diets and emotional eating. Ilana Muhlstein is the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who created this nutrition program. With this nutrition plan you’ll eat delicious, comforting food in big portions. You won’t have to change how much you eat, count calories, or follow a restrictive “eating plan”. Once you change your mindset, you can start saying “YES” to the food you love and still lose weight even without exercise. This program will help you learn to put a stop to mindless snacking or emotional eating. Once you learn these proven strategies to shift your mindset, you will be shocked at your power to take control of food.

What will I learn with 2 B Mindset?

You will learn:

-How to recognize “false hunger” and instantly satisfy it… without eating a bite!

-What to eat FIRST at every meal, if you want to lose weight

-The daily habit that instantly gets you ready for weight loss whenever you try it

-Why you should always order first when eating out at a restaurant

-How to deal with any craving

-Meals that you can eat in BIG portions… and still stay in weight-loss mode

-Plus dozens of proven weight-loss secrets for every eating situation.


Share before and afters and their stories

*Results vary based on starting point, effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan


What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a superfood protein shake with globally harvested ingredients with phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, pre- and probiotics, fiber, adaptogens, vitamins and minerals. Our philosophy is to combine hard-to-come-by superfood ingredients that are as close to their natural, whole-food state as possible to help maximize nutrition while making it convenient. But most importantly delicious so you’ll crave it daily– whether that’s the first thing in the morning or as a snack.

Shakeology Video

Is Shakeology Plant-Based Vegan?

Yes! Shakeology has a pea protein blend, making a vegan option. There is also the original whey protein blend as well.

Is Shakeology Gluten-Free?

“Shakeology is not currently certified Gluten Free. In designing Shakeology, we carefully selected ingredients that are not gluten based (such as wheat or barley). However, that does not mean that incidental inclusion of gluten based grains may occur in some ingredients during farming, storage and /or transportation.” I have friends who are gluten intolerant/ have gluten allergies, who drink Shakeology just fine. Shakeology is also tested by an independent third-party lab as “low glycemic” so the carbohydrates are released slowly and elicit a lower blood glucose response.

What flavors do Shakeology come in?

Whey Protein Blend Flavors

  • -Chocolate
  • -Vanilla
  • -Strawberry
  • -Cafe Latte

Pea Protein (Plant Based-Vegan) Flavors

  • -Chocolate
  • -Vanilla
  • -Tropical Strawberry
  • -Cafe Latte

Seasonal Plant Based Flavors

  • -Peppermint Mocha
  • -Salted Caramel

My personal favorite is Chocolate! I enjoy the whey protein blend as well as the plant based blend. My favorite way to mix it up is 8oz of unsweetened coconut milk, 8oz COLD water, 1 scoop of Shakeology and shake it up! Haha I’m soooo not fancy about it! I think it’s delicious this way! How do you think you would like yours?

Why do I drink Shakeology?

I have been drinking Shakeology for 6 years. (I just counted the years on my fingers and shocked myself haha) That is a long time! I really enjoy Shakeology. I like that it is an easy option for breakfast in the morning or a nice snack when I feel like I need a little pick me up. In the years I’ve been drinking it, I’ve come to learn that in our day to day diets (not in the restricted food sense of the word) there are gaps in the nutrients that our bodies actually need to thrive. The food we farm nowadays just isn’t quite cutting it with the things we need in order to be our healthiest. That is where Shakeology comes in! It’s a gap filler, if you will. I feel like it provides the missing pieces for me. The other thing that makes me feel good about drinking it every day is knowing the amount of testing that goes into EVERY SINGLE BATCH of it! Can you take a guess at how many tests are ran before they send it out for delivery?? OVER 1,500!!! Dude… that’s quality if I’ve ever seen it!

Carl Daikeler testing video

Options to buy?


What is Energize?

Energize is Beachbody’s pre workout supplement. If you need something that will kick you in the booty and make you get up and go, Energize is what you need!! Energize can help boost your energy, sharpen your focus and improve your intense exercise performance. This preworkout is unlike others on the market. Since energize is formulated with all plant based ingredients, it doesn’t leave you jittery and a sky high heart rate. I LOVE this pre workout because it gives you that burst you need to give it your all in a workout and let’s you down softly. I could honestly lay down and take a nap after a workout because I burned off the energy during it!

What are the benefits of Energize?

Based on a clinical study of 13 trained cyclists, drinking Energize before a 15-minute max effort cycling time trial increased performance by 5%. It was also concluded that Energize helps:

Improve intense exercise performance

Increase energy and endurance

Sharpen focus and reaction time

What are the Key Ingredients in Energize?

-Beta-alanine to help increase muscle power output and delay muscle fatigue

-Low-dose caffeine from green tea and coffee bean extract to help sharpen focus and increase energy

-Quercetin, a polyphenol with antioxidant-like properties extracted from plants, helps improve endurance and sustain exercise performance.

What Flavors does Energize come in?

Energize comes in 3 flavors!


Fruit Punch

& Mixed Berry

I do like the taste of all of them, however, I ALWAYS come back to lemon!!

Energize is available in tubs or individual stick packets


Beachbody’s performance line (Which is what energize is a part of) is the official supplement line for the Iron Man Races!!! So you KNOW it’s good stuff!


Tub- 40 servings



What is Recover?

Recover is Beachbody’s post workout supplement. We all know that after a hard workout we are sore the next couple days! If we are sore enough we may even SKIP a workout.. AHHH! Well Recover helps tremendously in fixing this problem. I have 100% felt a difference in my soreness level using this supplement.

What are the benefits of Recover?

Based on a clinical study of 18 adults who drank Recover or a placebo shake for 14 days it was concluded that using Recover reduced post- exercise muscle soreness by over 50% compared to the placebo. It was also discovered that Recover helps:

-Speed up muscle recovery

-Promote lean- muscle synthesis

-combat exercise-induced muscle soreness and improve muscle strength recovery

What are the Key Ingredients in Recover?

-Protein to help improve muscle recovery and growth

-Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to help promote muscle protein synthesis and support rebuilding

-Pomegranate extract to help combat exercise-induced muscle soreness

What Flavors does Recover come in?

Recover comes in 3 flavors!



Chocolate- Vegan Plant Based

I am 100% team orange on this one!!! I joke that I workout JUST SO I can have my orange Recover afterwards! HAHA! It’s that good! But the regular chocolate is good too!

Recover comes in a tub or individual


Beachbody’s Performance Line is the official supplement line up for the Iron Man Races! So you just know it’s good stuff!!!

Options to buy?

Tub- 20 servings



My Experience

Me and Beachbody’s Insanity workout program with Shaun T go WAAAAAY back! I’m talkin’ 2010/2011! Insanity was my first ever completed Beachbody workout program. I hadn’t done any type of workout since aerobics class in High School- which I did not enjoy much. I was never one to be hyped for gym or PE in school. So when I did Insanity, I felt very proud of myself. I remember burning upwards of 700 calories per workout! That’s like a TON haha! Insanity is no joke! It was tough, the workouts were a bit long- but the pride I felt finishing my workout each day was unmatched. My favorite part was that my dad was my accountability buddy! We did the program together and crushed it! So get yourself an accountability partner! I volunteer to be yours if you need that! When I did Insanity with Shaun T, I had DVDs for each workout. Now you can stream insanity workouts with a free trial on almost any device you want with Beachbody on Demand for as little as about $8 per month. Follow the link for more information on that.

What is Insanity?

INSANITY is a high-intensity, max interval training style workout that utilizes many strength exercises. You’ll perform long bursts of high-intensity exercise, followed by shorter periods of rest—the opposite of traditional cardio methods. 

Is INSANITY right for me?

INSANITY is for anyone who is ready for a fitness challenge and wants to get into the best shape of their life. It’s an advanced program that’s meant to challenge even very fit athletes. But anyone can go at their own pace until they’re ready to meet this ultimate challenge.

What equipment is needed for INSANITY?

Insanity is home workout without weights and no equipment required, just your body weight and the will to make it through. “Use your body to transform your body.” To get started with Insanity today, click here to learn more about my experience streaming it on nearly any device with Beachbody on Demand. There is even a 14 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand available, just select the 3 month option at checkout!


My Experience I started 21 Day Fix Extreme for the first time back in June of 2015. Up until that point I had been repeating  21 Day Fix over and over since January of that year. I definitely felt like I was ready to graduate from 21 Day Fix and do something a little more… extreme! This program sure kicked it up a notch!  This program contributed to my 41 pound weight loss after I had my daughter 1 year prior to starting this particular program. Back at this time Beachbody only had the workout programs available on DVDs so typically when you bought a workout program you would just repeat it until you bought another program. Now Beachbody offers all of their programs on a streaming platform called Beachbody on Demand which is SO much nicer — lemme tell ya!
21 Day Fix Extreme Results
What is 21 Day Fix Extreme? The original 21 Day Fix was designed to make losing weight so simple…you never had to diet again because your nutrition plan is now a lifestyle. That’s why it became America’s #1 home fitness and nutrition program. Now, Autumn Calabrese has created 21 Day Fix EXTREME to get you seriously shredded in the shortest time possible! This breakthrough 21- day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30 minute home workouts to help you finally get the lean, defined hardbody you’ve always wanted. 21 Day fix extreme is a fantastic half hour home workout that has given me great results! This program is designed to be done after completing 21 Day Fix first. Is 21 Day Fix Extreme for me? Are you someone who has completed 21 Day Fix, or another extreme program like p90x, INSANITY or Focus 25? Are you ready to dial in your nutrition? Do you have those last few pounds you’re looking to shred? If you answered yes to these questions, then YES, this program is for you! It is a program meant for intermediate to advanced fitness levels, however, there is always a cast member who will be demonstrating lower impact moves all throughout this program. I would recommend having a baseline of fitness before jumping into this one. What is the difference between 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme? In Extreme, the workouts are harder with more intense moves and have shorter breaks times. You will also use weight during cardio and plyo and a resistance band during pilates for extra resistance. The Yoga in Extreme is more complex and strength-based rather than stretching -based as it was in 21 Day Fix. The meal plan is more strict in Extreme allowing less sweets/desserts. Extreme has a “countdown to competition” meal plan that can be used in the final week of the challenge. It can help you get ready for a big event (bachelorette party, beach vacation, or literally a bikini bodybuilding show). Comparison chart Photo What equipment is needed?  You’ll need dumbbell weights, and B-LINES Resistance Bands, a yoga mat (if doing your workout on a hard surface, and an additional set of containers if you are following the nutrition plan- which I DO highly advise. Abs are made in that kitchen, yo!