What is 2B Mindset

2B Mindset is one of Beachbody’s amazing nutrition programs designed to help people who struggle with diets and emotional eating. Ilana Muhlstein is the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who created this nutrition program. With this nutrition plan you’ll eat delicious, comforting food in big portions. You won’t have to change how much you eat, count calories, or follow a restrictive “eating plan”. Once you change your mindset, you can start saying “YES” to the food you love and still lose weight even without exercise. This program will help you learn to put a stop to mindless snacking or emotional eating. Once you learn these proven strategies to shift your mindset, you will be shocked at your power to take control of food.

What will I learn with 2 B Mindset?

You will learn:

-How to recognize “false hunger” and instantly satisfy it… without eating a bite!

-What to eat FIRST at every meal, if you want to lose weight

-The daily habit that instantly gets you ready for weight loss whenever you try it

-Why you should always order first when eating out at a restaurant

-How to deal with any craving

-Meals that you can eat in BIG portions… and still stay in weight-loss mode

-Plus dozens of proven weight-loss secrets for every eating situation.


Share before and afters and their stories

*Results vary based on starting point, effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan

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