My Experience

Me and Beachbody’s Insanity workout program with Shaun T go WAAAAAY back! I’m talkin’ 2010/2011! Insanity was my first ever completed Beachbody workout program. I hadn’t done any type of workout since aerobics class in High School- which I did not enjoy much. I was never one to be hyped for gym or PE in school. So when I did Insanity, I felt very proud of myself. I remember burning upwards of 700 calories per workout! That’s like a TON haha! Insanity is no joke! It was tough, the workouts were a bit long- but the pride I felt finishing my workout each day was unmatched. My favorite part was that my dad was my accountability buddy! We did the program together and crushed it! So get yourself an accountability partner! I volunteer to be yours if you need that! When I did Insanity with Shaun T, I had DVDs for each workout. Now you can stream insanity workouts with a free trial on almost any device you want with Beachbody on Demand for as little as about $8 per month. Follow the link for more information on that.

What is Insanity?

INSANITY is a high-intensity, max interval training style workout that utilizes many strength exercises. You’ll perform long bursts of high-intensity exercise, followed by shorter periods of rest—the opposite of traditional cardio methods. 

Is INSANITY right for me?

INSANITY is for anyone who is ready for a fitness challenge and wants to get into the best shape of their life. It’s an advanced program that’s meant to challenge even very fit athletes. But anyone can go at their own pace until they’re ready to meet this ultimate challenge.

What equipment is needed for INSANITY?

Insanity is home workout without weights and no equipment required, just your body weight and the will to make it through. “Use your body to transform your body.” To get started with Insanity today, click here to learn more about my experience streaming it on nearly any device with Beachbody on Demand. There is even a 14 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand available, just select the 3 month option at checkout!

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